Nolan and I love watching and going to the movies. I think being in tune with movies is also an important part of being a youth worker because movies are what teenagers are talking about and they also tell us a lot about the culture that we live in. It just helps that they are very entertaining! Here is a list of the movies I have seen so far this year and a few of my thoughts:
500 Days of Summer was the first movie we got from Netflix and it was a very sweet and entertaining movie. It wasn't incredibly deep or anything like that, but it was interesting because I think that every single person can relate to these characters at some point in their lives.

The Road was a weird movie and I would like to have those 2 hours of my life back. This is a post-apocalyse movie and was mostly focused on the two main characters escaping cannibals. I did not like the characters much and there wasn't much of a story. I feel like the writers could have been more creative, but left too many questions ananswered especially at the end. I would not recommend this movie.
The Book of Eli on the other hand, I highly recommend! I absolutely love Denzel Washington and thought he was excellent in this film. The movie is one which really challenges its audience to consider ideas concerning love, faith, humanity, family, ethics, etc. If you are uncomfortable with some violence, this probably isn't the movie for you. The cinematography was also incredible! It's hard to say much more without giving things away, but definitely go see this movie!
Did You Hear About the Morgans? was a very cute and funny movie. Certainly not a thought provoking film or one I will be thinking about for a long time, but it was a sweet refreshing chick flick.

Some friends invited us to see
Crazy Heart with them and I didn't know anything about it, but saw it anyways and really enjoyed it. The story was entertaining and realistically portrayed the impact of alcoholism, depression, etc. can have on a life, but also shows a hope for recovery. The music was also really good!

Of course, we had to see
Avatar because of all the hype about it. I enjoyed the film, the special effects were absolutely incredible especially in the 3D. The love story is one which has been told for centuries, but James Cameron puts an interesting and modern twist to the classic "Romeo-Juliet"-esque story. If it were up to me, it would have been a little shorter, but other than that I think it is a good movie and one which will be talked about for a long time.
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